Kansas City Pallets & Removal Program

Pallet Supplier in Cass County

New Pallets Amazonia MO

New Pallets Amazonia MO

Pallet KC

Our Services

New Pallets: New Pallets refer to pallets that have not been formerly used or recycled. They are made using brand-new products and generally come at a greater cost point compared to made use of or recycled pallets. These pallets are in pristine condition and offer optimal strength and toughness for the transport and storage of goods.

Used Pallets: Utilized Pallets are pallets that have been previously employed for the transport of goods. While they may reveal signs of wear and tear, they are an cost-effective alternative compared to brand-new pallets. These pallets are still functional and supply a dependable option for businesses looking for economical pallet choices.

Recycled Pallets: Recycled Pallets are pallets that have actually been formerly used and have actually undergone refurbishment to restore their performance. They are a more environmentally friendly alternative to new pallets and are normally provided at a lower cost. In spite of being secondhand, these pallets are completely examined and repaired to ensure their structural stability and use.

Heat-Treated Pallets: Heat-Treated Pallets are pallets that have actually gone through a heat treatment process to mitigate the dangers of insects and diseases throughout global deliveries. This treatment is necessary for all pallets used in international trade and conforms to the ISPM-15 standards. By subjecting the pallets to controlled heat, the treatment removes any possible invasions and safeguards the integrity of items being transported.

Wooden Skids: Wood Skids are flat platforms similar to pallets, created for the transport of items. Nevertheless, they are typically smaller sized in size and easier in building, lacking bottom deck boards. These skids appropriate for smaller-scale operations or when a more structured design is preferred.

Wooden Crates: Wood Crates are sturdy wooden boxes used for the transportation and storage of products. They use superior strength and durability compared to cardboard boxes and can be reused several times. Wooden dog crates supply improved security for delicate or valuable items, ensuring their safe shipment and safe and secure storage.

Pallet Haul Offs: Pallet Haul Offs include the removal of undesirable pallets from a business’s properties. This service is particularly helpful for services that have collected a large number of unwanted pallets and require their effective disposal. By availing this service, business can free up important area, maintain a clutter-free environment, and ensure proper waste management practices.

Pallet Exchange: Pallet Exchange is a cost-efficient service that allows business to exchange their used pallets for brand-new or refurbished ones. This service enables businesses to acquire brand-new pallets while responsibly managing their old ones. By taking part in pallet exchange programs, companies can enhance their pallet stock, minimize costs, and contribute to sustainable resource utilization.


Why Choose New Pallets Amazonia MO?


1. Premium pallets: Our pallets are made from the finest products and are developed to last, guaranteeing that your items are carried securely and efficiently.
2. Competitive prices: We provide competitive rates without compromising on quality.
3. Personalized: We provide personalized pallets to satisfy your specific needs.
Timely delivery: We comprehend the value of timely shipment and ensure that your pallets are provided on time.

Contact Us Today

New Pallets Amazonia MO

Call: 816-605-6749
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